Random cat.

June 11, 2008, 11:36 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

While some say is gay, i say is cool. It was a little bit pricey, i know, but, imo (and that’s what it matters in the end) it’s an amazing little digi cam. So, the first (Franci) snaps:

e pronto….



It’s my birthday…
May 24, 2008, 10:29 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

It’s my birthday, so i’m allowing myself to post some random photos without any justification.

OHHH!!! And for Portuguese people (and/or italian people who understand portuguese, a link to my tumblr, written in portuguese: www.miauzz.tumblr.com)

Burn baby, burn!

Hello there Miss Laura!

Cig, glass, art.

mirror, moviment, art.


Hey miauzz, nice effect, do you mind to NOT repeat it again?

Now THAT’S what i call SandArt!

And lets finish with some SisteArt!

Ciao ciao, Happy birthday to me, Tanti auguri a me, Parabens a mim, e tal e cenas.

Biologic Francesca…
April 29, 2008, 1:04 am
Filed under: francesca

All photos in APX 100 or TX, scan from print.

I’ve started to print again after a long time… im still tunning my performance, so please dont be hard on me. (expect you, you can be hard on me any time you want dear ❤ ) (advices are always welcome!) (oh, and about the strange frames on some of the photos… just forget it, i was just testing different setups in the enlarger)

(click on the image to enlargeeeeeeeee)

Me and Francesca, catching some sun after lunch.

Back in 2007, in Porto, Francesca studying at Biblioteca Almeida Garret.

At Mondelo, having lunch on the beach, 2 months ago. Love her “hat”…

Back to Porto again, and to 2007. Jardim de Serralves. Its a shame that i miss the focus in this one…

In Porto aslo, but in Jardins do Palacio de Cristal, doing something we do it very very well: catching sun.

Location: Palermo. Date: Unknown. Dont ask me what happen to the photo, that white bottom line…

“E c’è una parte della vita mia
Che assomiglia a te
Quella che supera la logica
Quella che aspetta un’onda anomala”…

Isola di Ortigia, Siracusa, Sicilia. Thanks Marco, for giving us your room 🙂

E c’è una parte della mia città
Che assomiglia a te
Quella dei bar con fuori i tavolini
E del silenzio di certi giardini.

Etna Volcano, Sicilia. Yes, i dont have a 2000€ rangefinder, but that doesnt mean i cant have eye contact when i make photos.

On our balcony. Although i dont like (me in) this photo, she asked me to post it 😛

“E c’è una parte della luna
Che assomiglia a te
Quella dove si specchia il sole
Che ispira musica e parole”

(i think you will kill me after you see the title…)


To do list
April 23, 2008, 12:06 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Sending the prize to Kira – DONE

Working a fucking lot in this past week and not being able to spend some quality time on the internet – DONE

Losing all the photos of 2 different assignments – DONE

Making the “How to cook the prize winner pasta” and post it on the net – NOT DONE

Sleeping a lot – NOT DONE

Developing – NOT DONE

Printing – DONE

Eating an amazing pasta done by Franci with an amazing cheese we found almost for free – DONE

Making a self in a mirror that i found in the garbage the other day (and took it home) – DONE

(click to enlargggggggeeee)

Booking a plane to spend 2 nights in Paris with Franci – DONE

Booking a hostel in Paris – NOT DONE.

Making a kickass sangria and making a barbecue dinner with some friends at my place – DONE.

Starting english private lessons – ALMOST DONE (in 2 weeks).

Checking out that Tome is doing kick ass photos lately, Sebastian is cute, Suzan and Kira are way from internet too, the Artist is getting drunk every single week, and the old guy had a great idea with the hall of fame thing: DONE

Eating pasta fresca with pesto al pistacchio: Will do in half hour.

See you guys soon.

April 2, 2008, 3:01 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

And the winner of the food contest is:

Miss Kira K from Israel! (which, btw, is sexy as hell, dont you agree?!)

Actually she was the one who gave me the idea to do this contest, so im kinda happy that she won!

About the secret recipe… insted of send her the recipe, THIS FRIDAY i’ll do an entry here with a link to my vimeo acount, where i’ll post a video of me doing it… so than everybody can do it also! 😀

my first idea was to give some extra awards…

First to Sebastian and Bernhard… to Seb because i had the chance to meet him in Wien, and he payed me some beers, and also because, although he doesnt know it (yet?) he is portuguese… And second, to Bernh… because, and im not kidding, the first thing that he told me when we first meet was, screaming: “ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?! NO, REALLY, ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?”, just because i did not knew here has the fucking door (meeting point) we were suppose to meet … (but in the end, he was really really cool with me and, together with Seb, responsible for a huge hangover)

To Suzan, because she was really really cool with me, giving me a place to sleep and showing me the city, and also introducing me to the traditional nederlandse fast food (ahahahha, what a laugh…)

To Melvin and Jorid, because they are a nice couple and because they were both really cool to travel down to maastricht to have dinner with me and Suzan…

And finally to the only person who try her luck in this contest via SMS… Laura – Bola de Berlim! Because… just because.

BUT, since i had to buy a new HD to my mac, and its my sister’s birthday now, and she asked me an iPod… im kinda broke… :X So, Kira’s award will be sent this week or next Monday, but the others will have to wait a little while…

So, thats it!!! 😀 And wait to see the video, next friday 😉

March 23, 2008, 12:01 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Since my macbook decided to die, the winners will be announced when i’ll be able to have my computer fixed.

March 18, 2008, 12:06 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

will be anouced later this week 😛

I’ve been away these last month, i know… and it will be like this at least until May.

I’m just saying this because i’m afraid that some of my readers, the ones that dont follow the blog via some RSS program, using the old method of just checking from time to time to see if there is any new post (i think most of my portuguese and italian readers use this method), think that the blog is somehow dead.  Well, is not. I just need some time for myself. I’ll be back in May (but the winners will be annouced later this week, i repeat! 😉 )
And i’m sorry for not being so active these days when it comes to comment other’s blogs like the sweet Sebastian, who’s blogging a lot (and with quality) these last days, and others, bla bla bla.

Some photos of what i’ve been doing lately:

My new.. err… aromatic…. eerrrr… plant is born!

Being inspired in kitchen, and trying out new things… (i know it seems a simple omolet!)

Preparing myself to spend some time in the dark… room!

Being asked to shoot some concerts…

And thats it for now…

February 24, 2008, 10:28 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The contest!

Since i was using an unprotected internet signal at my place, that is not unprotected anymore, i dont have internet at my place anymore.. and it sucks!

But… the contest:

I will post today some photos… some photos of food i’ve been eating here in Sicilia. So… the contest consists in you guessing my favourite one. ALL the right answers will receive the secret recipe and i’ll ALSO send you all the ingredients to make it 🙂

Insalata di Pasta ( Cold pasta with little tomato, cheese, parsley, chili, etc).

Lasagne al Gorgonzola ( Lasagna with Gorgonzola cheese)

Penne al Gorgonzola (errr…. Penne with Gorgonzola cheese)

Tortellini di carne al pomodoro ( Meat tortellini with tomato sauce).

Pasta alla Carbonara ( Pasta (linguine) with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbonara)

Egg Omollet with Caciocavallo cheese.

Peperoni alla brace con ripieno di pasta e ricotta fresca ( http://www.superpoli.it/images/sfondi/prodotti/peperoni.jpg on the grill with pasta with ricotta cheese and peperoni inside)

broccoli with béchamel sauce.

Pasta alla Carrettiera ( pasta with anchovy (sardines), garlic, breadcrumbs, cheese (parmigiano) chilli and parsley.

Raviolli freschi (by franci) con ricotta e pomodoro ( Home made Ravioli (by franci) with ricotta cheese and tomato).

Pesce spatola panato ( Fish with breadcrumbs).

Patate e cipolla sulla brace ( Potatos and onions on the grill)

So… just click on “Leave a comment” and… GOOD LUCK! (The winners will be announced soon, so hurry up!)

contest soon!!!!
February 20, 2008, 4:31 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

First of all… In 2 or 3 days i will launch a contest here… is not a classic photographic contest, but i hope you guys will like it… everybody can try to win the amazing prize, coz it is not one of those “best photo” kind of contest! in fact, you dont need a camera to win it 😀

Ps – I will only promote the contest if the posting of these photos won’t get me killed by my housemate David and my girl:

Jolly good time!

Talking about my penis maybe.

Or maybe she is just under the effect of some illegal substances.

Dramatic moment.


So… see you guys in 2 or 3 days 😉

January 31, 2008, 11:24 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

After a conversation with Mr.Tome last night, when we where talking about streetphotography (conversation that had continued today at lunch), and after spending some hours at www.in-public.com last night (thanks again Tome for the tip) i decided to go out today to try to do some streetphotography. As you know i always do photos of friends, portraits and stuff… so i decided to give streephotography a shot… (pun intended).

Of course i dont have a leica, and its not always easy to be unnoticed with the big dSLR, but i did my best…

(oh, and i really dont understand flickr colorprofile…)

City is in danger? Call Batman.

Bla bla bla.

Im listing “Dont lose yourself” by Laura Veirs at the moment. And you?

For tome, since he is the reason of me making this post <3: ANDARE, ANDARE!

Huge lens, small… you decide.

ohhhnooozzzzz, izzzz a selfzzzz.

I guess the dog and the old men like different things. Thats why they get along so well.


This is streetphotography because i took it while i was on the street.

Im still listening to Laura Veirs. And you?


Nice position.

bla bla bla…

And thats it…

So, and i usually dont ask this, i would like you, dear reader, to leave a comment to let me know your opinon of my first attempt to streetphotography, or to leave a donation in my bank account since i broke.
