Random cat.

A tree. A fucking tree in the middle of the living room.
May 2, 2007, 2:58 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Insted of posting pictures about partys, nightlife and the usual stuff, i’ll post some pictures about a really cool afternoon i had this weekend. I went to Chiara’s place (Italy) to have lunch. Gnocchi 🙂 We all had lunch in the garden, until it started raining, and then we just crashed in her living room. What a house… really. I want to live there!

Before the slideshow:

Well… after this really amazing afternoon, when i was walking down one street near my school, i walked by a tiny restaurant (well, for portugueses: uma tasca caralho 😉 ), and these two men started to talk to me and asking me to take a picture of them, and put it in a newspaper, for the world to know that they were old, but they were still kicking asses! After i took the photo (yes, digital, the film ended up in Chiara’s place), they invited me to have glass of wine with them, or a beer, which i declined because i was late to work. But maybe i’ll print the photo and go back to the tiny restaurant, to give them a copy 😉


I have to stop shooting film, as i dont have any money to buy it… that doesent mean i’ll only post digital from now on, since i have a lot of films to develope…


One more thing before the slideshow… Have you noticed the last posts in Tomé’s blog?
I recomend you to read them and to think about them. My favorite is the nihilistic pupil series…

Maybe one of my next posts will be about something serious to. Not political serious, but… we will see.

So… finally… the slide show:

(and i’m sorry about the fucking noise in the pictures… :X)


So… see you guys next time 😉

4 Comments so far
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esse tomé é um totó, o blog dele n presta e é uma seca e ainda por cima não tem mamas.


essa dos compádres tá fiche, eu aparecia lá com uma print.

ps. já experimentaste o corrector ortográfico do firefox? faz maravilhas… 😉

Comment by Tomé

Ficaste mesmo “impressionado” com a arvore dentro de casa e volto a dizer eu quero um cão como aquele. 🙂

Jah tinha lido um dos post do Tomé no teu portátil.

Andar com uma camera ao pescoço faz dessas coisas, aparece lah com a print.. eu gostava de ver a “felicidade” deles. 🙂

Comment by Daniela

There are some really nice shots in that slideshow! But it went way too fast! And indeed… what an apartment!!
I liked the story of the two old men still kicking ass 🙂

Comment by Suzan

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Comment by Braigrees

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